Finding Peace & Power in our Bodies with Cheryl Whitelaw

Ready to reclaim the definition of fitness in midlife?

Let me introduce you to Cheryl Whitelaw. She is a Move More without regrets coach, teacher, and CEO of Peace and Power Movement Services. She supports her clients to learn through their movement through body-based coaching, Vitamin MM Mindful Movement classes, and hands-on work to support the functional activity. Her clients share a desire to live with vitality, keep going as they age, and often recover from life-changing conditions like MS, Fibromyalgia, or brain injuries. She found true joy in movement when she started training aikido at age 46. Currently, she is preparing for her black belt test.

Stepping onto the aikido mat was a step on her life path. As a child, she asked, "If we can make war, how do we make peace?" Aikido was an answer to her innocent question that has led Cheryl to offer embodied inclusion workshops to support people to use their body's living intelligence as an ally for change and challenges. In today's world, she feels that peace needs to be more than flabby and flimsy; she supports people and causes that integrate peace and power.

Her unique talent is helping people find what is possible for them as a practice of moving into wellness and wholeness. She is committed to helping people age well and finds their own whole body-mind intelligence.

You can find out more about Cheryl and free monthly online workshops at

Cheryl is also offering 5 free online discovery sessions for Midlife Schmidlife listeners to help them learn how to move more efficiently with less stiffness or discomfort.

PodcastLiz Applegate